mardi 1 juillet 2014

Strange Laptop Boot Issue

Hi guys,

I have a strange issue and not sure what it is, but in some ways it is not causing major issues, just makes me worry that it will at a bad time, like doing a presentation at work.

This is a work laptop but I cannot go the the IT department and here is the reason why - brace yourselves for confusion!

I was bought an Asus N56V laptop when I started a job, but 2 weeks into the job another company acquired the company I had just joined. The new company only uses horrible looking Dell's, so if I have any IT issues with my Asus they will just take it from me and give me a Dell. So I am sticking with the Asus for now as it is way, way nicer!

Ok, so the issue I have is that my previous company (of 2 weeks) had rebuilt the laptop with Windows 8.1 (instead of 8.0 which actually worked fine even though I hated it). Some hardware no longer worked properly in 8.1 like the WiFi which was a little annoying. Also, I did not care much for the 5,400 RPM HDD which did not really match the fairly meaty hardware in the rest of the machine.

So as I was my own IT for this laptop I put in a 240GB SSD and installed Windows 7. All was good, but sometimes when I fire up the machine it goes into Windows Recovery then simply says "Windows did not start up correctly" and asks if I want to reboot. Rebooting goes back into Windows 7 and everything works fine again.

I noticed that when Windows Recovery is booting, the Windows logo is blue like Windows 8 - is that what it looks like now for Windows 7 Recovery?

Very odd because there are no errors on the machine, this just happens from time to time. Once in Windows 7, it runs like a dream!

I would be mostly interested to know if I am somehow triggering the Windows 8 recovery from my old HDD which is plugged in via a USB caddy or if the Windows 7 Recovery thingy now looks like Windows 8 and I should worry more about the hardware!



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