mercredi 23 avril 2014

Best Win95/98 Build

Hello kustomers, this one should get the old grey matter going:

Just for old times sake i want to build myself a mega fast win95 or 98 machine, probably better going for 98 actually. Id rather build an actual computer rather than going down the route of virtualization as im a retro purist.

The last windows98se machine i owned was donkeys years ago, it was a pentium III 866MHz, with 396mb of ram if i remember right, with a geforce 2mx 32mb gfx card and an advance logic pci soundcard, the motherboard was a QDI legend cant remeber what chipset though. QDI were top of the pops back in the day and mega expensive.

This computer ran surprisingly well and gave me very few problems, now then the fun part,

Could you all list these for me:

fastest cpu and motherboard for win 98se

best type of ram and amount to go for

best/fastest agp gfx card, as i am aware win98 does not support pcie?

Im pretty sure it will all work on a 250w psu or less however today a good quality 420w one will be pretty cheap so thats not an issue, i have a spare asus 17" lcd i can use for this project so i havent got to buy a monitor, did agp cards ever have DVI ports its been so long i really cant remember?

Ive just got hold of a pretty decent cheap pci soundcard from ebay with a C-media chipset that supports 95/98/me so thats one thing less for me to buy.

Please feel free to throw all your input here as im very interested in this subject !

Also worth noting that hard drive space isnt important to me for this build, a 40gb ide drive i have lying around here will do the job, however do you think i should grab another IDE drive with larger cache to speed things up?

Cheers for reading everyone im looking forward to everyones thoughts and ideas about this!

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