mercredi 25 mars 2015

Optical drive wont eject unless a disc is in or you tap the tray

Got it used last year, neverused it and left it in box till a few days ago because wanted to put a entire anime series of 1080p episodes on 1 disc.

I originally placed it in my top optical drive bay and when I had issues I removed it and tried it outside of case with same issue until I tilted the drive by a millimeter or so up or down then drive opened every time.

I placed it back in, tried burning a dvd and it stuck at trying to spin up disc for ages so I cancelled, moved drive into bottom bay and noticed with a disc inside it opens and closes each time with no problems, it also burns ok but on certain burns it will stick at 4x(the speed I set it at) constant, other times it will start burning and stop every 6% or so, go to 0x for about 5 minutes, then burn at 4x again for another 6%(seems to be a almost constant 6%) plus the final 10% seems to burn no problem and after if passes verification no problem and runs on all my blu ray drives.

Is this all related?

My theory is the belt for the tray is going or the mechanism needs a bit of grease or something.

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