mercredi 22 octobre 2014

Mobile dying...

This is a bit painful for me to post (i.e. annoying) but due to the infinite wisdom of the wife, after paying for mobile insurance for over a year, she told me I should stop paying for it as it's a waste of money. So within a month or so of not having insurance, the phone's WiFi stopped working completely (tried everything Google can suggest - seems to be a hardware fault) and now the battery seems to have given up and only lasts for a few hours (even with almost all things switched off and nothing running).

So basically the phone is a lemon now.

The question is, are there any good options for a duff phone with 6 months left on the contract? It was a 24 month contract because it was originally my work phone (we had to get our own contracts and claim the cost back), but I left my job a year in so was stuck with it. So the phone is 18 months old which makes me think it is outside of the usual 1 year warranty.

Pretty annoyed - I have told the wife that I will take it to the shop and it may cost hundreds to get it fixed or replaced - i.e. a lot more than the insurance!

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