vendredi 23 mai 2014


What has happened to printers in recent years? When I was in university in 1999, I got an HP Deskjet and it was perfect in terms of speed, quality and could print anything perfectly. I cannot even remember if it broke or why I got rid of it but I think it lasted 10 years. Since then, I have got through about 3 more printers. They just seem to get worse!

My current printer is a Kodak and the reason I got that was because I needed a printer right now because my old one packed up and so I went to a high street shop and bought it. It was the cheapest to run (apparently). The ink is cheap, but it runs out really quickly and the software is horrible - you have to install a massive app on every machine on the network even though it is a network printer. When the ink is getting slightly low, it stops allowing printing and forces you to order more ink. Really bloody annoying, I know that it can print more pages as the previous ones were fine, but it physically denies this.

The quality of the printing was ok, but recently has been poor - bought many Kodak cartridges and the quality flits between ok and poor - and by poor I mean it looks like someone smeared melted butter all over a text document and blurred it to kingdom come.

I just replaced cartridges again today because I wasted an entire cartridge just trying to clean and align the cartridges... Now it is printing ok again. While I could just say "ok, it works again now" I am so annoyed that I feel like just buying a new printer and getting rid of this one!

So I have been looking for a while today at printers and it occurs to me that the vast majority of printers are the same as the one I have: Terrible software that must be installed on every machine being public enemy number one. So far it seems that you have to buy an HP or a Dell to avoid this. Even Brother which has been around forever apparently has crappy software.

Anyone have any happy stories about printers and is there a printer where you can simply use it without installing a stoopid app?

Rant over. Well not really.

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